Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cuba Solidarity Day: May 21, 2008: Updated

A day like today helps publicize the plight of Cubans in a way that no single individual can. You can read about the global effort here. There was a speech at the White House (see post below). But even more significantly, there were numerous small observations throughout Cuba, particularly surprising in light of the rumblings afoot about an incipient crackdown on dissidents. In particular peril are said to the Ladies in White and Antuñez. God watch over them all.
Henry over at Babalu posted a link earlier today to The Task at Hand that I found very moving. Sometimes a simple story can say much more than a thousand polemics. So I'll leave you with this.
Update: It warmed my heart to find this press release from the Moroccan American Center for Policy.

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