Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Mother's Cuban Proverbs

I'm in the mood for a little lightness. Val Prieto's post on Babalu about a health cubanism the other day got me to thinking.
So I asked Mom who always seems to have a proverb to match the occasion to write some of these down. I'd hate for them to be lost to us with her generation. Here are some I remember. They always lose much in the translation, so I won't attempt it at the moment. More to come.
  • Sarna con gana no pica y si pica no mortifica.
  • Hasta la ciruela pasa.

  • Si la cosa no tiene remedio porque te preocupas, y si tiene remedio porque te preocupas...

  • No llores como mujer lo que no supiste defender como hombre

  • En el reino de los ciegos, el tuerto es rey.

  • Un (deleted) hala mas que una yunta de buey.

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