Monday, July 16, 2007

The Internet and Castro's Demise

How is it possible that Fidel Castro has maintained a communist regime with flagrant violations of human rights NINETY MILES AWAY from the US. I will tell you that Fidel is one of the ultimate spin-meisters known to man. Obviously there are other champions of this technique usually related to the communist party (and slowly affecting the US democratic part as well).
There is something diferent now: the internet! I would love to put Fidel through Mussolini's last minutes, However, I see that ending as highly unlikely. As stated before on this blog in other words: " The Pen is mightier than the sword!" Until now Fidel has spun webs of lies around the stupid, gullible, and those wanting to be fooled. One thing is different now and that is blogging! Although some would disagree, Our best defense against this cretin is our freedom of speech, and I will continue until we take him down. Now his fables cannot go unchecked!

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