Wednesday, September 5, 2007

War Movies on the Way

A number of big screen movies about the Iraq War are on their way. An ABC news article points out

Unlike past war films, the majority of which were not released until years after the conflicts had ended, Hollywood is anticipating the fall release of films inspired by the current war in Iraq.

The explanation given for the same is the public's widespread disgust with Bush and his policies, note not the filmaker's. As it goes into explanations, the liberal myopia becomes apparent. It just doesn't occur to them that there is any other view but their own. Perhaps they should ask themselves a question, why haven't their own politicians ended the war?

Aside from an unfair advantage in that most Hollywood Types are left leaning, I am concerned about the effect on the public. After all, one of the biggest obstacles Cuban Americans face in trying to convey the reality of the regime is the stupid Havana scene in the Godfather, which has become for Americans what Cuba was before the revolution, instead of a small segment of a very different country. So to me the question becomes what qualifications do these people have to be shaping public policy? Were they elected? How smart are they? How well versed in the issues?

Scariest, however, is the possibility that a film could have an actual effect in the conflict, could result in the deaths of American soldiers. I really hope they have used whatever residual common sense they have.

Read it here.

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