Friday, August 17, 2007

Interesting Tidbit: Dissent in Camaguey: Updated Again

Reading Payo Libre when I came across a campaign, Con Una Misma Moneda, which roughly translates to "With the Same Coin." It seems a group of twenty or so women is roaming the streets of Camaguey collecting signatures and, according to them, getting a good response. The campaign started earlier in other provinces. The gist is that Cubans get paid in Cuban pesos. However, many of life's staples are only available in "dollar stores," so unless you have access to dollars through relatives in the States or by working in tourism, you need to depend on your ration card and are essentially screwed. A fuller explanation in Spanish is available here.
The headline reads "Con Gran Interes," with great interest. According to activist Marta Guzman

No queremos seguir siendo cubanos relegados a ciudadanos de segunda clase, mantendremos nuestra lucha contra la discriminación económica

My translation-
We do not want to continue being Cubans relegated to second class citizens, we will continue our fight against the economic discrimination.

The article in Spanish here.

Whenever I read of these dissenters- there's usually a handful in the pictures- I am amazed at their courage. God keep watch over them, because we know the government already is...

The story was picked up in India and El Paso, in English and Spanish, respectively.
Click here and here for the articles.

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