Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fontova: A Self-Defense Kit for Cuban Americans

I've been engaged in something of a difference of opinion with one of those relativists who maintain that Cuba was a third world country, comparable to those countries with starving children, BC, so it's not so bad now. I corrected him. He wouldn't believe me, so I ran for statistics. Armed for bear, I get to the website to find three people have already made mincemeat of him. I'm reading the responses, and they seem familiar. Yes, those are stats Humberto Fontova has assembled. So I thought I would post a link to his article on the reviewers of The Lost City. There are a few paragraphs in there that would make a good "re-education" kit for those who live in ignoramia. Here's a teaser-

... a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) report on Cuba circa 1957 : "One feature of the Cuban social structure is a large middle class," it starts. "Cuban workers are more unionized (proportional to the population) than U.S. workers. The average wage for an 8 hour day in Cuba in 1957 is higher than for workers in Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany. Cuban labor receives 66.6 per cent of gross national income. In the U.S. the figure is 70 per cent, in Switzerland 64 per cent. 44 per cent of Cubans are covered by Social legislation, a higher percentage then in the U.S."

We are blessed to have Mr. Fontova. Buy the new book Exposing the Real Che: And the Useful Idiots who Idolize Him


Lourod said...
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Lourod said...

That is why he is known as "the surgeon"