Monday, August 20, 2007


I've mentioned how Fidel's death has been a bittersweet symphony since he was never brought to justice for the crimes he has committed, such as Pinochet was hounded in his final years. However I came across this quote by Marti and it made me feel better. There is no denying that the way he has handled his death has been an obvious example of the coward he is. He may think that hiding in his retreat he has died with dignity. I beg to differ. Cobarde!

Jose Marti said: "Es mejor morir a pie que vivir arrodillado." i.e., "It is better to die standing up than to live kneeling down

1 comment:

Fidel pro democracy said...

Los pensamientos de Marti, aun estan vigentes y muchas veces sirven de animo.