Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Woe is me! Where Have All The Readers Gone?

O, woe is me,
To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!
Shakespeare, Hamlet
The sound you hear is my teacher's heart breaking. On MSNBC this morning is confirmation of my worst fears: 1 in 4 Americans did not read a single book last year. You can say it's part of an evolution in the presentation of information. But think about it: 25% of the American population gets its information from the MSM and the internet, if they are interested in information at all.
Read it here

1 comment:

Lourod said...

This is why we only have one tv in our house. I wanted to get rid of that one also but my daughter said "DAD, NO, MY FRIENDS WILL THINK WE'RE FREAKS!"