Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Anguish of an Independent Journalist

This AM, Babalu which is also waiting, published a nice roundup of different posts. Somehow I wound up on Miscelaneas de Cuba and ran across a pretty moving post from an independent journalist in Cuba. Here's the last paragraph.

Amanece Cuba cada día en un suspiro. Su tristeza es la de millones de seres, y le puedes preguntar qué le hace falta y responde que un cambio, que los gritos la asfixian, que le duele el encierro y el maltrato a sus hijos.

My very clumsy translation:
Cuba awakens each day in a sigh. Her sadness is that of millions of beings, and you can ask what she needs, and she responds a change, that the screams suffocate her, that the imprisonment and mistreatment of her children hurts her.

(Now I remember, I found it through a link from Uncommon Sense )

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