Friday, July 6, 2007

That ain't no lady: Pimping and the Times

Ran across something interesting on Babalu. On their Cuba web page, the Times has a Google ad offering nubile young Cuban women for romance and marriage. Cute, huh? Like one of those cartoons without words.

It is a word that has me crazy, though. Babalublog makes the cut for the links section but is listed as a "rabid Anti Castro" website. Would they dare use the word rabid to discuss any other group? As one comment on Babalu points out, have you ever heard of a "rabid anti KKK" website? No, of course not.

Frankly, in the realm of the Cuban diaspora, Babalu is quite reasonable. And something tells me the paper applies the label to more than a website. So, you Old Gray Lady; you decaying dowager; you whore monger, you, we are not mad dogs, nor squirrels, nor even chipmunks, that is if chipmunks get rabies.

No, we are not mad dogs. We are an aggrieved people who have been doubly wronged.

Check it out:

Then if you feel you must, and I suspect you will, there are some email addresses in the comments section to let the Times know just how you feel about it.

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