Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday Morning Funnies

Ah, the boomers, my bete noir. The incomparable Peggy Noonan set me straight. In a piece that includes a hilarious anecdote about Margaret Thatcher, she says of Hilary:

I don't think Mrs. Clinton is the exemplar of a generation, she is the exemplar of a quadrant within a generation, and it is the quadrant the rest of us of that generation do not like. They came from comfort and stability, visited poverty as part of a college program, fashionably disliked their country, and cultivated a bitterness that was wholly unearned. They went on to become investment bankers and politicians and enjoy wealth, power or both.

How good is that? Read it here.
H/T George at Babalu

Now to the Human Events list of the top ten outrageous liberal quotes. Cuba comes in at number 8:

Extolling Virtues of Fidel’s Prison
“For Castro, freedom starts with education. And if literacy alone were the yardstick, Cuba would rank as one of the freest nations on Earth. The literacy rate is 96%.” -- Barbara Walters on ABC’s “20/20,” Oct. 11, 2002.

You can read the rest of the list here.

And then there are the sayings of old black men... at least that's the title of a 1955 book posted at Cuba al Pairo. It contains some of the better adages my mother uses. I'll skip the politically incorrect ones. But here is a smattering:

Una cosa piensa el borracho y otra el bodeguero
The drunk thinks one thing and the shopkeeper another.

Unos nacen con estrella y otros nacen estrellados
Some are born under a star and others starred/shattered.

Cuando el sol sale, sale para todo el mundo
When the sun shines, it shines for everyone.

There are a few more in Spanish here.
H/T Penultimos Dias

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