Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wow, Is That Bush Out of Touch with Cubans!

In the midst of dispatches concerning the episodes of harassment of dissidents, another communique from Havana in support of the President's speech, this time another 3 organizations. Here are some excerpts:

Este discurso claro y humano que ha causado admiración y alegría entre los cubanos que queremos y luchamos por la libertad de nuestra tierra, nos alienta a continuar con más convicción la lucha pacífica y nos demuestra que no estamos, ni estaremos solos, que los hombres y mujeres que viven en libertad y democracia, nos tienden su mano y su corazón.

This clear and humane speech has evoked admiration and joy among Cubans who want and struggle for freedom in our land, it inspires us to continue with more conviction the peaceful struggle and it demonstrates to us that we are not, will not be alone, that men and women who live in freedom and democracy, extend their hands and their hearts to us.


Lo que no es aceptable, es el discurso mentiroso y lleno de odio del canciller que mal nos representar. Gracias al pueblo y al gobierno norteamericano.

What is not acceptable is the lying discourse, full of hate, from the councillor who represents us badly. Thank you to the North American people and government.

Again, the boldface is mine, as is the bad translation. In the original Spanish, click here.

H/T Payo Libre

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